What is a Daniel Fast?
The Daniel Fast is a partial fast in which some foods are restricted. This Biblically-based fast has become one of the most popular forms of fasting, perhaps because it is not as demanding or daunting as eating nothing for many consecutive days. Instead, the eating plan for the Daniel Fast is similar to a vegan diet (completely plant-based with no animal products), though somewhat more restrictive.
The Daniel Fast is based on the experiences of the prophet in Daniel 1 and Daniel 10. It seems that Daniel fasted frequently, with three of his experiences recorded in the book that bears his name. One was a normal fast (no food) as recorded in Daniel 9:3, when the prophet “set [his] face unto the Lord God, to seek by prayer and supplications, with fasting, and sackcloth, and ashes.” However, in the other two accounts Daniel engaged in a partial fast, abstaining from some food, but not all food.
In Daniel 1:12 we read that Daniel and his companions ate only “pulse,” which refers to foods from seeds, including vegetables, legumes and fruit. They also drank only water. This defines the Daniel Fast as a plant-based eating plan with the only beverage being water. No animal products are consumed, including fish, shellfish, dairy products or eggs.
In Daniel 10:3 the prophet tells us, “I ate no pleasant bread, neither came flesh nor wine in my mouth, neither did I anoint myself at all, till three whole weeks were fulfilled.” It is on the basis of this account that the Daniel Fast eliminates candy, desserts, and all kinds of sweeteners (even in recipes). All the food on the Daniel Fast is “natural,” which eliminates all man-made chemicals, artificial flavoring and coloring, food additives and preservatives, highly processed foods, and all stimulants, including caffeine.
Because Daniel was a Hebrew prophet, we know he also followed Jewish fasting principles. In preparation for Passover, the Jews removed all leavening products from their homes and did not include them in recipes. So during the Daniel Fast, all leavening products are eliminated, including baking powder, baking soda, and yeast found in breads and similar foods.
Finally, most people go on the Daniel Fast for a twenty-one day period because that’s what the prophet did, according to Daniel 10:2.
Foods to INCLUDE in your diet during the Daniel Fast:
- All fruits
- All vegetables
- All whole grains
- All nuts and seeds
- All legumes
- All quality oils
- Water
- Soy foods
- Condiments and cooking ingredients
Foods to ELIMINATE from your diet during the Daniel Fast:
- All meat and animal products
- All dairy products
- All sweeteners
- All leavened bread
- All refined and processed food products
- All deep-fried foods
- All solid fats
- All non-water beverages
Remember to read the label!
If you have questions about whether a certain food is permitted on the Daniel Fast, take a look at the ingredient list included on the label.
Use wisdom!
If you are elderly or have health issues, you might wish to consult with a physician before beginning the Daniel Fast. You can always create a modified version of this fast for your own use. Remember, ANY time or type of fasting combined with prayer can be effective. God will always honor the personal sacrifice you are making.
Le Jeûne de Daniel est un jeûne partiel dans lequel certains aliments sont interdits. Ce jeûne qui est basé sur la Bible est devenu une des formes de jeûne les plus populaires. C’est peut-être parce que ce jeûne n’est pas aussi exigeant ou décourageant que ne rien manger pendant plusieurs jours consécutifs. Au lieu de cela, le plan d’alimentation pour le Jeûne de Daniel est pareil au régime végétalien (entièrement à base végétale et sans aucun produit animal) ; bien qu’il soit plus restrictif.
Le Jeûne de Daniel est basé sur les expériences du prophète dans Daniel chapitre un et Daniel chapitre 10. Il semble que Daniel jeûnait souvent. En fait, trois de ses expériences ont été documentées dans le livre qui porte son nom. Une d’entre elles était un jeûne normal (aucune nourriture) selon ce qui est écrit dans Daniel 9 : 3, lorsque le prophète « tourna [sa] face vers le Seigneur Dieu, afin de recourir à la prière et aux supplications, en jeûnant et en prenant le sac et la cendre. » Cependant, dans les deux autres récits Daniel a participé à un jeûne partiel, en s’abstenant de certains aliments, mais pas toute nourriture.
Dans Daniel 1 :12 on lit que Daniel et ses amis ont mangé seulement « des légumes », qui réfèrent aux aliments issus des graines, y compris les légumes, les légumineuses et les fruits. De plus, Ils ont bu uniquement de l’eau. Ceci définit le Jeûne de Daniel comme un plan d’alimentation à base végétale en buvant de l’eau comme la seule boisson autorisée. Il est interdit de manger des produits animaux, qui comprennent du poisson, des crustacés, des produits laitiers et des œufs.
Dans Daniel 10 :3 le prophète nous dit, « Je ne mangeai aucun mets délicat, il n’entra ni viande ni vin dans ma bouche, et je ne m’oignis point jusqu’à ce que les trois semaines fussent accomplies. » C’est sur la base de ce récit que le Jeûne de Daniel interdit des bonbons, des desserts, et toutes formes d’édulcorants (même dans des recettes). Toute la nourriture autorisée pendant le Jeûne de Daniel est « naturelle », qui interdit tous les produits chimiques artificiels : les arômes et colorants artificiels, les additifs alimentaires et les agents de conservation, les aliments hautement transformés, et tous les stimulants, y compris la caféine.
Le fait que Daniel était un prophète hébreu, on sait qu’il suivait également les principes de jeûne juifs. En préparation pour la Pâque, les Juifs retiraient tous les produits levants de leurs foyers et ils ne les incluaient pas dans les recettes. Alors, pendant le Jeûne de Daniel, tous les produits levants ont été éliminés, y compris la levure chimique, le bicarbonate de soude, et la levure qui se trouve dans des pains et d’autres aliments semblables.
Finalement, la plupart des gens suivent le Jeûne de Daniel pendant une période de vingt-et-un jours parce que c’est ce que le prophète avait fait, selon Daniel 10 :2.
Aliments à être INCLUS dans votre régime pendant le Jeûne de Daniel :
- Tous les fruits
- Toutes les légumes
- Tous les grains entiers
- Toutes les noix et les graines
- Toutes les légumineuses
- Toutes les huiles de qualité
- De l’eau
- Les produits à base de soja
- Les condiments et les ingrédients de cuisine
Aliments à être ÉLIMINÉS dans votre régime pendant le Jeûne de Daniel :
- Toute viande et les produits animaux
- Tous les produits laitiers
- Tous les édulcorants
- Tout pain au levain
- Tous produits raffinés et transformés
- Tous aliments frits
- Tous les gras solides
- Toute boisson qui n’est pas de l’eau
N’oubliez pas de lire l’étiquette !
Si vous avez des questions au sujet de l’admissibilité d’un certain aliment pendant le Jeûne de Daniel, regardez la liste d’ingrédients qui est inclue sur l’étiquette.
Soyez sages !
Si vous êtes personne âgée ou si vous avez des problèmes de santé, il vaut mieux consulter un médecin avant de commencer le Jeûne de Daniel. Vous pouvez toujours créer une version modifiée de ce jeûne pour votre propre usage. Souvenez-vous, le Jeûne à TOUT moment ou TOUT type de Jeûne combiné avec la prière peut-être efficace. Dieu honorera toujours le sacrifice personnel que vous faites.
What is a Daniel Fast?
The Daniel Fast is a partial fast in which some foods are restricted. This Biblically-based fast has become one of the most popular forms of fasting, perhaps because it is not as demanding or daunting as eating nothing for many consecutive days. Instead, the eating plan for the Daniel Fast is similar to a vegan diet (completely plant-based with no animal products), though somewhat more restrictive.
The Daniel Fast is based on the experiences of the prophet in Daniel 1 and Daniel 10. It seems that Daniel fasted frequently, with three of his experiences recorded in the book that bears his name. One was a normal fast (no food) as recorded in Daniel 9:3, when the prophet “set [his] face unto the Lord God, to seek by prayer and supplications, with fasting, and sackcloth, and ashes.” However, in the other two accounts Daniel engaged in a partial fast, abstaining from some food, but not all food.
In Daniel 1:12 we read that Daniel and his companions ate only “pulse,” which refers to foods from seeds, including vegetables, legumes and fruit. They also drank only water. This defines the Daniel Fast as a plant-based eating plan with the only beverage being water. No animal products are consumed, including fish, shellfish, dairy products or eggs.
In Daniel 10:3 the prophet tells us, “I ate no pleasant bread, neither came flesh nor wine in my mouth, neither did I anoint myself at all, till three whole weeks were fulfilled.” It is on the basis of this account that the Daniel Fast eliminates candy, desserts, and all kinds of sweeteners (even in recipes). All the food on the Daniel Fast is “natural,” which eliminates all man-made chemicals, artificial flavoring and coloring, food additives and preservatives, highly processed foods, and all stimulants, including caffeine.
Because Daniel was a Hebrew prophet, we know he also followed Jewish fasting principles. In preparation for Passover, the Jews removed all leavening products from their homes and did not include them in recipes. So during the Daniel Fast, all leavening products are eliminated, including baking powder, baking soda, and yeast found in breads and similar foods.
Finally, most people go on the Daniel Fast for a twenty-one day period because that’s what the prophet did, according to Daniel 10:2.
Foods to INCLUDE in your diet during the Daniel Fast:
- All fruits
- All vegetables
- All whole grains
- All nuts and seeds
- All legumes
- All quality oils
- Water
- Soy foods
- Condiments and cooking ingredients
Foods to ELIMINATE from your diet during the Daniel Fast:
- All meat and animal products
- All dairy products
- All sweeteners
- All leavened bread
- All refined and processed food products
- All deep-fried foods
- All solid fats
- All non-water beverages
Remember to read the label!
If you have questions about whether a certain food is permitted on the Daniel Fast, take a look at the ingredient list included on the label.
Use wisdom!
If you are elderly or have health issues, you might wish to consult with a physician before beginning the Daniel Fast. You can always create a modified version of this fast for your own use. Remember, ANY time or type of fasting combined with prayer can be effective. God will always honor the personal sacrifice you are making.